Explore the various ancient techniques with e-system acupuncture


Rolled Moxa wool or cut moxa stick can be used here, placed close to the skin surface and on the needle before lighting it, commonly applied to chronic diseases, such as Omarthritis, Sciatica, Herpes Zoster, persistent Asthma, etc. Treatments are usually given once daily or every alternate day.

Acupuncture on Arthritis, Headaches, General Lethargy and Eczema due to 20 years of anti-rheumatic medicines

On her first visit to my clinic in 2005, she had suffered from Arthritis of the joints, headaches and general lethargy. She had also symptoms such as cold limbs and extremities.

The Healing System and Bioholographic Acupuncture

Living beings have a remarkable ability to repair themselves and thus regain their anatomical and physiological integrity. This capacity for spontaneous healing is a part of life itself and a prerequisite for the evolution and continuity of life.