Acupuncture on Nasal Congestion, Migraines and Tinnitus
Chief complaints were blocked nose, tension headaches and migraines. He had undergone operation but the symptoms persisted. Also experienced combination of symptoms included tinnitus, occasional deafness in the ears, soundings in the brain, belching and bloated abdomen. Altogether he had received 10 acupuncture treatments by a TCM Acupuncturist before but no effect. For the treatment I administered, points selected were ECIWO of the 2nd metacarpal bone and E-system of Liver, Kidney and Stomach, also Qihai, Zhusanli, Neiguan, Tinggong.
Other points taken included Fengchi, Baihui, Ganshu, Weishu, Zhongwan, Waiguan, Yanglao, Sanyingjiao, Tinghui and Ermen.
He had received total of 10 treatments, major symptoms had disappeared and was very happy.