Acupuncture on Infertility

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Had no long standing disease or illnesses but leading a high stress lifestyle due to work. She was married for two years, with no children and no history of gynecology problems.

First visit energy reading at 94 / 65. UB 93, K 92, LU84 and LI 88. Acupoints selected were ECIWO KIDNEYS of the 2nd Metacarpal Bone, Guanyuan, Sanyingjiao, Chenjiang, Shenshu, Yaoyangguan and Waiguan.

Completed 1 course of 8 treatments within 1 month and followed by resting the body for 2 months. On the return visit to follow up on her condition, she mentioned that she was pregnant from the first course of treatment. Subsequently prescribed 3 sessions of maintenance treatments to maintain her health but she took only 2 sessions. Reduced her work and focused on the pregnancy.

8 months pregnant- She revisited the clinic to bring the news that she had been in good state of health. No high blood pressure, diabetes or abnormal increase in weight. She had a healthy look and is in good spirit. Slight swelling was observed on the legs but had no difficulty in walking and was able to go about independently. Took leave from work to focus on the pregnancy.

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