Explore the various ancient techniques with e-system acupuncture
Rolled Moxa wool or cut moxa stick can be used here, placed close to the skin surface and on the needle before lighting it, commonly applied to chronic diseases, such as Omarthritis, Sciatica, Herpes Zoster, persistent Asthma, etc. Treatments are usually given once daily or every alternate day.
Direct moxibustion is used here, one consumed cone is known as “Zhuang”. Usually 3 zhuang to 7 zhuang is used. Some acupoints or conditions may use up to 500 zhuangs. This method is to create a tiny blistering / festers on the skin, inducing a sterile superficial immunity effect to reduce pain, dredge collaterals, stimulate interferon, production of anti-inflammatory enzymes, and increase immunity. Suitable for low immune conditions, such as asthma, allergies, herpes zoster, arthritis, joints inflammation, geriatric problems, weakness, tumors, etc. Treatments are usually given two or three times a week.
Known as焠刺法, this is an ancient acupuncture technique by inserting hot needle into the affected area, often used in surgical conditions and arthritic inflamed joints. In order to achieve cell regeneration, superficial or old cells structures were broken down, similar to destroying the mutated cells. Eg., Warts, Pigmentation, deep tissue symptoms, allergic dermatitis, eczema,. Therapeutic course of treatments require two to five sittings.
Hao Zhen ( 毫针 ) or Filiform Needle is the most commonly used needle in the modern acupuncture developments. This form of acupuncture needles have been practised worldwide by western trained acupuncturist. The techniques of the needle which include, insertion of the needle, reinforcing and reducing manipulations. A skillful practitioner will be able to induce and direct vital energy (Qi) to the acupuncture points as to enhance the effects of the technique. This technique can be used for all kinds of ailments.
Cutting Method is an ancient acupuncture technique by applying small needle-blades into affected location, hand, foot, or deep tissue. Suitable for various conditions related to the bones, joints, and cell renewals in wound healing. For example, in cancer cases, the immune system can be stimulated by applying the cutting method on Carcinoma points of the Foot.
In modern day acupuncture, normal or special acupuncture needles can be used to deal the same effect. It is better known as Acupuncture Microsurgery, a highly refined skill and is almost similar to modern medical concept。 that may cost many times more.
In certain conditions, needles were applied in quick insert and remove actions on acupoints. Example, 钩针(Gou Zhen) or Hook Needle as used for cutting, 芒针(Mang Zhen) or Long Needle as used in deep tissue acupuncture, or 雀啄术 Sparrow Pecking Needling Method, 报刺术 Trigger Needling Method in the deep acupoint, 沿皮刺法 (Yan Pi Ci Fa), applying needles along the skin. 骨刺法 (Gu Ci Fa), applying needles into the deep acupoint on the side of the bones.
The common syndrome among the cases where these techniques were applied is a combination of stagnation of Qi and Blood, obstructing the meridians and collaterals, leading to poor blood circulation, pain and numbness, malnutrition and weakness, further strains to the affected area.
Variety of bones and joints disorders, such as disease along the spinal column, frozen shoulders, arthritic inflammation, deformation, stiffness, pains and numbness, calculi, spurs, hyperosteogeny, immobility, etc., can be helped by using acupuncture microsurgery technique.
Sports or trauma injuries, chronic condition of wear and tear of joints, and post operative wound healing, hemorrhoids, low immune disorders such as asthma, can also be helped. Therapeutic course of treatments require about two to five sittings and it is advisable to consult Acupuncturist regarding this method of treatment.
Usually can be observed as row of 10 to 18 needles inserted along the surface area of the head, treatments arranged for once daily or alternate days. From the research gathered by many TCM and Acupuncture hospitals and practitioners, this method renders good results for post stroke hemiplagia, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, post operative paralysis, vertigo, and loss of speech, trigeminal neuralgia, and cerebellum imbalance. Neurological function disorders such as chorea, intelligence, and epilepsy. Others such as organ prolapsed and abnormal uterine bleeding can also be helped using this method.
Opposing side will be used for treatment, such as treatment will be applied on the left head if the hemiplagia occur on the right.
For more details on this method, please refer to the relevant books written by various professors who are familiar with this technique, such as Dr Jiao Shunfa and Prof Mingqing Zhu.
Using Jia Ji points, or 两边 (Liang Bian), distributed on both sides of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae, and can be observed as row of 18 to 28 needles inserted on either side, or observed as one straight row. Moxa cones or wool can be used too. Treatments can be applied daily or alternate days. Suitable for degenerative disorders, cervical spondylosis, inflammation of vertebrae, spinal column disorders, respiratory and blood vessels disorders, digestive disorders of liver and gall bladder, diabetes, myasthenia gravis, lower limbs paralysis, etc.
Applying the E System acupuncture theory, these sets of Jia Ji points can be used to treat the relative organs disorder along the path of spinal column, enabling the blood supply more nutrients to the acupoint and specific organs, and to enhance the body immune system.
Also known as bleeding method, this is another ancient technique, using acupuncture techniques to bleed or “drain”, usually to activate blood and Qi, reduce swelling, disperse stagnation, and detoxify cases of inflammation, reduction of heat in Excessive disorders, complements Acupuncture Microsurgery for the surface in necessary cases. Needling methods such as 梅花针or 七星针Therapeutic course of treatments require 1 to 3 sittings.
Three-Edged Needle apply blood letting for dispersing a stasis三棱针–手术排血/放血疗法
Suitable for various emergency conditions, using 三棱针 (San Ling Zhen, otherwise known as Three-Edged Needle) to perform blood letting technique for disperse, relief the condition. San Ling Zhen blood letting method can be applied on emergency conditions such as Acute Laryngitis, Tonsilitis, heat stroke, apoplexy, Acute Pain syndrome or acute low back pain. Also suitable for acute gastrointestinal inflammation, etc.
Distal acupoints such as finger tips can be selected to apply blood letting for dispersing a stasis, or stagnation. This is common in stroke conditions or cerebral haemorrhage.
Used in promoting circulation of blood and Qi, pain relief, reduce swelling, dispel cold and dampness, often used for arthritis of wind-cold-dampness, acute sprains, cold syndromes, wind syndromes, acute gastrointestinal pain. Local area usually becomes sore, flushed or bruised, and is considered normal and will disappear after some time.
Colour is used to define various conditions in the TCM theory. After removal of the cup, the location may have a bruise or colored circular mark, indication of the condition related to the acupoint, the location or even the related organ.
If it is observed to be red, it can be explained as Heat or Blockage in the meridians & collaterals or internal organs being overactive. Dark red colour, sometimes accompanied with slight swelling, is another indication of Qi and blood blockage and stagnation in the meridians and channels, commonly found in cases of external injury, eg., like a bad fall, sports injury or traumatic accident.
If the location is observed as yellow, may be due to wind and dampness, can be found in rheumatic arthritis conditions, 痹症 Bi-Syndrome, disorders in the joints, four limbs, and affecting the meridians, organs or distal joints.
Greenish Purple – Cold and dampness, commonly found with very poor micro-circulation or numbness, usually some stimulation such as tapping or massage is applied before putting on the cups.
Can be applied through various instruments such as Hanging, Box, or applied direct onto the needle. Indirectly over a piece of ginger, salt or garlic.
11.Treatment advice: 治疗建议:
Within 24 hours after Acupuncture treatment, the response of endocrine to perform homeostasis is high but gradually disperses after 72 hours. Therefore, it is advisable to follow instructions on the next treatment.
Acute illness has to be treated intensively daily or twice a day to obtain the required results.
For chronic and complicated cases it is advisable to continue treatment for 10-15 sittings as a course, or if necessary, as many as 30 sittings in one treatment course.
Sittings for prevention treatment and health improvement could be arranged for once a month or special arrangement for prevention treatment for acute seasonal attacks of asthma, bronchitis asthma and pre-menopause syndromes.
ECIWO Acupuncture Therapy is the latest way to explain Acupuncture. It means “Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism”, and is based on the Bioholography Law and Pan-Embryo Therapy. When this therapy is applied, the organic hormone for homeostasis is influenced. The duration of every treatment is 20-45 minutes with a course of 1-15 sittings. Depending on individual response to the treatment, some cases may see improvements
In Acute or Early onset of symptoms, usually 1 to 3 acupoints are selected without strong stimulation, without retaining the needles, because the acupoints will normally experience strong reaction to the stimulation during these periods.
Chronic or needle phobic, or weak physical constitution, 5 to 7 acupoints, without strong stimulation retain 30 to 45 minutes; additional stimulation may be applied during intervals.
In certain cases, the course of meridians and collaterals were selected, by inserting needles on opposite direction with the points, facing each other. Usually found on four limbs, using up to 16 to 32 needles. This can serve as “locking” the acupoint, reinforce or even to reduce the treatment effect.
Except traumatic injuries, the Nature Cure theory can assist the human body’s immune system overcome any disease (from ageing to cell changes) caused by imbalance hormones of insufficient endocrine.
These conditions cause malfunction of the body’s immune system, resulting in weak resistance. This, in turn, causes individual cells to grow abnormally, according to turmoil-based, or TCM theory. This can be rectified with acupuncture treatment and acupuncture microsurgery has proven to be effective in stimulating the body to produce substances for overcoming illnesses, as well as delaying ageing.
Ordinary Acupuncture, ECIWO Acupuncture, ECIWO Medicine and Ancient Acupuncture surgery are considered remedies with potential to conquer symptoms related to all kinds of diseases. From the first diagnosis the patient will be advised on the numbers of treatment needed and will be closely observed and monitored during the course of treatment.
The conclusion that (except for cases like bone fracture, old age and collapse of the Yin and Yang disease) Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine based on the latest Embryonic ECIWO Therapy receives good response than conventional medicine and in comparison produces far fewer side effects it is the natural way of cure for sicknesses.