Acupuncture on Depression, Low Immunity and Insomnia
A colleague, Ms Werner, introduced her to us for treatments. Had been suffering from Depression, Low Immunity and Insomnia. Seen several doctors regarding the various conditions and difficulties, and took many medicines for the combination of ailments including uncontrollable crying. With the many varieties of medications the symptoms still persisted and with little help on the depression.
- A-First visit was on 4 May 2007, arranged for 1 course of 8 treatments, together with herbal medicine to help with the sleeping difficulties. The results were effective and she showed great improvement on the overall.
- B-The follow up of the first course had revealed a cyst under the right breast about the size of a small egg. This was diagnosed and she was advised to have it surgically removed by the doctors she saw. She had very low immunity and stress at work had caused her fatigue and lumbago at the same time. Due to the return trip to London for visit of her family, 1 course of 10 treatments was recommended to her. I had also advised her to seek a second opinion on her condition- if it endangered her life she would have to seek surgical removal immediately.
Regular points taken on Tianzhong, Jianzhen, Jianqian, Jianxi, Dazhui, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao and Above the right breast outer point.
Also prescribed Ping Xiao Pian, Cordyceps and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan for her trip back to London. This is part of the treatment to maintain her condition and replace the treatments she would not be receiving.
On her follow up treatment after 2 months later, the cyst lump was disappeared. Her medical check up in London hospital showed that there was no longer any cyst presence in her right breast.
She had since taken up maintenance treatments for her health and took up quit smoking treatments to improve herself.