Acupuncture on Chronic Sinusitis of 6 years
Suffered from Chronic Sinusitis for 6 years and had a history of Asthma. Easily affected by weather, air pollution and sensitivity. Points selected from ECIWO Head and Shangxing Baihui, Yingxiang, Zusanli, Neiting. His wife noticed the difference that night he went home and he had managed to sleep very well.
Other points included Neiguan, Yintang, Waiguan, Baihui, Dazhui and Fengchi. Additional points applied on him including, Feishu and ECIWO Lungs of the 2nd metacarpal bone. It took him 11 sittings altogether.
Because he was recovered from acupuncture treatments, he introduced a fellow colleague who had suffered from Severe Rhinitis and Tinnitus to treatment with Acupuncture too, in hope that he was able to benefit from this ancient form of medicine.