Category: Acupuncture Case Study
Acupuncture on Breast Cancer – Case #1
She had been diagnosed in hospital specialist clinic as CA Breast, and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Suffers from Post-operative Syndromes including pains, cold hands and feet due to poor microcirculation (Yang Deficiency), difficulty to raise up the right arm.
Acupuncture on Arthritis, Headaches, General Lethargy and Eczema due to 20 years of anti-rheumatic medicines
On her first visit to my clinic in 2005, she had suffered from Arthritis of the joints, headaches and general lethargy. She had also symptoms such as cold limbs and extremities.
Acupuncture on Acute Lumbago
Patient had been suffering from Acute Lumbago for 2 years. Underwent various scans in the specialists’ clinics. Conclusion on treatment recommended was to go through operation and a series of osteoporotic preventions such as physiotherapy.
Acupuncture on Breast Cancer – Case 2
CA Breast. The tumour can be palpated. History of Hypertension, taking Cozaar, half a tablet OM. Symptoms including belching, indigestion and bloatedness in the stomach, cold perspiration, poor circulation, cold hands and feet.
Acupuncture on Chronic Cough
Mr Gwee had a history of chronic cough for over 6 months. There were throat irritations, hoarse voice, and dry sputum. The extent of coughing had been worrying to his children.
Acupuncture on Chronic Sinusitis of 6 years
Suffered from Chronic Sinusitis for 6 years and had a history of Asthma. Easily affected by weather, air pollution and sensitivity. Points selected from ECIWO Head and Shangxing Baihui, Yingxiang, Zusanli, Neiting.
Acupuncture on Infertility
Had no long standing disease or illnesses but leading a high stress lifestyle due to work. She was married for two years, with no children and no history of gynecology problems.
Acupuncture on Depression, Low Immunity and Insomnia
A colleague, Ms Werner, introduced her to us for treatments. Had been suffering from Depression, Low Immunity and Insomnia. Seen several doctors regarding the various conditions and difficulties, and took many medicines for the combination of ailments including uncontrollable crying.
Acupuncture on Miscarriage, accompanied with Irregular Menstruation
Married with 1 child but suffered 2 times miscarriage, accompanied with Irregular Menstruation. Sought Acupuncture in London, 1 course of 8 sessions, and took up Herbal Remedies and Vitamins Therapy.
Acupuncture on Nasal Congestion, Migraines and Tinnitus
Chief complaints were blocked nose, tension headaches and migraines. He had undergone operation but the symptoms persisted. Also experienced combination of symptoms included tinnitus, occasional deafness in the ears, soundings in the brain, belching and bloated abdomen.