Acupuncture on Arthritis, Headaches, General Lethargy and Eczema due to 20 years of anti-rheumatic medicines
On her first visit to my clinic in 2005, she had suffered from Arthritis of the joints, headaches and general lethargy. She had also symptoms such as cold limbs and extremities. This problem was relieved after 6 treatments. Due to her short stay in Singapore, she would always arrange for time to come in for treatments for her shoulders and knees.
In 2007, on her 2 separate visits, I was surprised to find her with Eczema and skin allergies on her face. I managed to find out that she had been taking a group of anti-rheumatic medicines for her Arthritic Inflammation over 20 years. Upon further research I found out that some of the medications would bring on undesired complications. Eg, Skin conditions, Eczema.
For her skin allergies on the face, I had selected ECIWO Head of 2nd metacarpal bone, Quchi, Sanyinjiao, Dazhui, Fengchi, for two treatments a day.